Louisiana Chemical Equipment Co.

Real Experience, Real Solutions

Toll Free (1)866-289-5232

International (1)281-471-4900

Contact Louisiana Chemical Equipment Company

LCEC has locations around the world in order to better serve chemical companies and chemical equipment manufacturers. Find out which location can better serve your needs and how to contact each office.

Executive Offices
LCEC is headquartered in Baton Rouge, LA where the executive offices are located.

Sales, Computing, Accounting and Inventory Personnel
Our LaPorte, TX office is the location for sales, computer, accounting, inventory and yard personnel.

Used Chemical Plant Equipment Storage Yards and Dismantlement
We have numerous used chemical process equipment storage yards across the world giving your chemical company easy access. In addition to chemical products these locations are also equipped to handle dismantlement projects.

Our storage yards are located in:

  • Baton Rouge, LA
  • Orange, TX
  • Green Springs, Ohio
  • Williamsport, NJ
  • Enid, OK
  • LaValle, Quebec, Canada
  • Liberty, SC
  • Belfast, Northern Ireland
  • Johannesburg, South Africa
  • Seoul, South Korea
  • Manchester, England
  • Priolo, Italy
  • Roven, France
  • Frankfurt, Germany
  • Oulu, Finland
  • Perth, Australia

LCEC Location Information

Plant owners, investors, chemical manufacturers and chemical process equipment manufacturers can contact LCEC by phone, fax, email and mail at:

LaPorte, TX
P.O. Box 1490, 77572
11100 Hwy 225
La Porte, TX, 77571
Phone (281) 471-4900
Fax (281) 470-2968

Latin America
P.O. Box 1490, 77572
11100 Hwy 225
La Porte, TX, 77571
Phone (281) 471-4900
Cell (713) 826-7983 (EspaƱol)

Baton Rouge, LA
P.O. Box 65064, 70896
7911 Wrenwood, Ste. A
Baton Rouge, LA, 70809
Phone (225) 923-3602
Fax: (225) 926-5237

Oficina 3 -Office Center
Phone: 575-3580478
Fax: 575-3603624
Cell: 57-3007070202
Email: colombiasales@lcec.com

Puerto Rico
PO Box 190725
San Juan
PR 00919-0725
Tel: 787-721-2477
Mob: 787-640-0353
Email: PuertoRicoSales@LCEC.com

United Kingdom
Orchard House
Low Worsall
North Yorkshire
TS15 9PJ
Tel: +44(0) 1642 789438
Cell: +44(0) 7960 922525